top director Shankar recently showered praises on Bollywood’s Mr. Perfect Aamir Khan after watching his latest blockbuster PK. The director called the movie an enlightening and thought provoking film. He appreciated PK’s director Raj Kumar Hirani for presenting it in an entertaining format. The celebrated filmmaker lauded Aamir Khan for his world class performance
. The buzz is that Shankar is said to have insisted actor Vijay to watch the film.
This is what is raising doubts whether he has any plans to remake it into South. Earlier the duo remade Aamir’s 3 Idiots also directed by Raj Kumar Hirani, as Nanban in Tamil, dubbed as Snehithudu in Telugu. Shankar wants Vijay to reprise the role played by Aamir in the the remake. He is said to be waiting for Vijay’s nod. Vijay has recently delivered a 100 crore blockbuster Kaththi directed by AR Murugadoss. Kaththi also deals with social issues and Vijay plays a revolutionist in the film
It would be another interesting film if plans take shape and we would get to see the duo team up for remake of controversial film PK. Vijay who is currently working on his 58th film with Chimbu Deven which is touted to be a socio-fantasy adventure. While Shankar’s visual wonder Ai is making it to theaters this Pongal. We have to wait some more days to get right info on this. Stay tuned!
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