With the second schedule of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's costume drama Bajirao Mastani taking off in a big way, there has been a noticeable swelling in the number of actors in the cast. The latest actor to join the impressive cast is filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar who plays a Maratha king. Manjrekar who divides his time between filmmaking and acting was selected for his grip over the cultural dynamics of Maratha milieu and for his ability to deliver rousing speeches.
"In fact Mahesh had the whole crew stunned on his first day of shooting with his costumes and mastery over the rhetorics," says a source from the set. This is the first time that Manjrekar has teamed up with Bhansali.
Says a source close to the epic director, "Other than Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh whom he directed in his last film Goliyon Ki Raas Leela Ram Leela and Priyanka Chopra who did an item song in it, Sanjay Bhansali has made sure that the entire cast and crew in Bajirao Mastani is new. He is introducing at least 3 very promising new singers to sing in the music score that he has composed. The actors whom he is working with the first time include Tanvi Azmi, Aditya Pancholi and Mahesh Manjrekar."
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